Friday, July 22, 2005

Three things you didn't know about me

I bet even my wife didn't know some of these:

- When I was in Junior High School, I was a champion bowler. My team won the league championship two years in a row, and we individually finished in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place both years. I even got my picture in the paper. My average hovered around 155, which is pretty darn good for a 12-year-old. These days, I'm happy if I break 100 every game.

- I won a roleplaying award at DragonCon for my skillful performance of a character in a furry roleplaying game. Keep in mind that this was 1996, and I had no idea what a furry was, or that there were people who were into (and I mean into anthropomorphic animals. Not only did I win a copy of the roleplaying game rules, but I also received a signed copy of the "Hot 'n' Sexy Furry Book" (which was my first clue into the possibility that something was amiss). I think I still have the book in a drawer somewhere, but I'll have to locate some barbeque tongs before I can dispose of it.

- I can solve a Rubik's Cube in under three minutes. This is a relatively new skill I've picked up, but it's a pretty cool "party trick" and a good way to occupy myself at my desk for a few minutes when I need a quick break from work. My ultimate goal is getting my average time to under a minute.

So there you have it. Posting this makes me wonder how many of my friends have skills, talents, or accomplishments that they've never revealed to anyone. If you have an interesting tidbit (or deep, dark secret) about yourself that nobody else knows, post about it in the Comments section.


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